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Welcome to my interview guide!

I'm Sourav Bandyopadhyay, a Software Developer.

This guide aims to document my structured interview preparation process to benefit the broader software development community.


The opinions expressed in this guide are solely my own and do not reflect those of my current or former employers.

Supporting this guide

This resource is, and will remain, completely free. If you find it valuable, I would appreciate your support by starring the repository on GitHub:

Goals and non-goals

Many excellent resources are available, but they often cover so much ground that they can be overwhelming. My goal is to provide a specific, actionable interview preparation process based on my personal approach. It may not suit everyone, and that's perfectly fine! If my method resonates with you, I hope this guide proves to be very practical.


  • Offer a clear and actionable methodology
  • Be concise and easy to understand
  • Focus on process and strategy


  • Exhaustively list every possible resource
  • Match the depth and breadth of other comprehensive guides
  • Cover adjacent topics such as job search strategies or salary negotiations

How to read this guide

This guide isn't very lengthy, so I recommend reading it straight through initially. Since it is intentionally opinionated, you might find that some approaches don't suit you, which is completely fine.

Many concepts are designed to be memorable upon first reading. During your preparation, refer back to the relevant sections as needed to reinforce your understanding.

Made By Sourav Bandyopadhyay